Rick DiPietro Signed 8x10 Photo IP
We approached someone in an Islander jacket for an autograph, he laughed and said he was the equipment guy. He said he was looking for Rick DiPietro, he should be there by now. So we knew he was coming, and we watched for him in the parking lot. Sure enough, 15 mins later, a white SUV drove up with Rick in the driver seat. We were careful about this one, not knowing his history with autograph seekers. We asked from a distance and he said, "Sure". He signed my picture and my friend's stick and we wished him a speedy recovery. Oh yah, and that the equipment guy was looking for him. LOL! He did not say a word about the picture, come on, that is the coolest looking picture I have seen signed in a long time. He was a really down to earth guy, very cool.
that IS a mighty fine picture!