Thursday, June 11, 2009

Breakfast with Ray Bourque--->Mission Success!

The breakfast was great. Good food, lots of speeches, and then Ray came out and spoke for about 30 mins. He told amazing stories of his early days with the Bruins, Terry O'Riley and his beginning number #29, yah that's right. He then spoke about his 2 years with the Avs and the Cup win in 2001. There were some great stories about Patrick Roy, Joe Sakic plus a rookie who left the ice early all the time. Roy said something to Ray and Bourque then spoke to the player. The player's reply was his back was really tight. Bourque said he was 40 years old, his whole body was sore. He told the young player, Sakic was still out taking extra practice, Blake was working on something and Roy was taking extra shots, all future Hall of Famers. The player stayed out, and never left early again. And he did not state names....LOL!
Click here to view the other images from the breakfast.


  1. That jersey came out real nice. The puck has a great sig on it too, I've always wanted a Ray Bourque Av's puck. What kind of pen do you use for your pucks? DecoColor silver or metallic sharpie?

  2. I should advertise some of the things I go to, I would have got you a puck. Do you sense some deals coming? check out I will be there next week, I can swing a puck or two for you. It will cost you of course a signed puck in exchange. we also have the team canada junior development camp here in aug. think about it....

  3. I can sense that. It kind-of sucks that hockey is done in Pittsburgh til september, but when the time comes I can basically get you whoever you want (except Mario). For now I don't have a lot available for trade since I put together collections and don;t get too many extras, but in the future that shouldn't be a problem.

  4. i am just a collector too, my wife helps me so I do end up with 2 of most things. I never started trading until Sal from puckhound offered and we traded a few things. Not the Pens but most NHL'ers come home for the summer, I live near Colby Armstrong's home town, highest rate of NHL'ers per ca pita. Warrner, Babcock, Regehr, Dave Manson, Armstrong, Tiger Williams among others. This is where they come! Lots of golf and charity events.
